Sunday 13 August 2017


I am just starting my adventure as an Independent Usborne Organiser. I am currently on maternity leave after having my little girl, Georgina. Becoming an organiser seemed like a fun thing to do in my spare time (not that I have much spare time these days!). I have always loved reading and I remember loving Usborne books when I was a child myself. I want to share my love of reading and my passion for Usborne books. I am looking forward to blogging about books and about being an Usborne

I am so excited to receive my starter kit, it looks like it contains some fantastic books. It only costs £38 to sign up as an organiser and to receive the starter kit. The kit is worth over £150, so definitely a bargain. You can even get the cost of the kit refunded back to you if you earn enough sales in your first few weeks as an organiser!

Example of starter kit contents

Please do get in touch if you are interested in finding out more about Usborne books or about becoming an organiser yourself.